Help Inscriptions – English

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If you have any issue, then send an email to “”


  1. Enter the web:
  2. Go to the registration section
  3. A page appears with all the activities where you can sign up.
  4. On the same page you can choose the language of the registration.
  5. Once the activity is chosen, the activity page itself appears.
  6. On the right there is a button to register and a button to see the list of registered.
  7. Pressing the button to sign up for the activity, you enter a page where you ask for the NIF of the person you want to sign up (or the NIE, or the passport number if you do not have a NIF)
  8. Once the NIF has been entered, the application searches if you have already participated in any of our activities.
  9. If you are not a user, then it asks for your personal data. If you are already a user, you are asked for a username and password, press access and jump to point 14 in this description
  10. The first data is the user, who must be your NIF to avoid messes.
  11. You also indicate a keyword that you can remember later.
  12. Fill in all other data.
  13. Press record
  14. You are already inside.
  15. Now it asks you to confirm that the data is correct.
  16. You change what is wrong and select the continue button.
  17. Once done, a page is shown where you are asked for things that are required for the specific activity.
  18. For example you should say: if you are a member of the Llançanenca hiker union, you must say if you are federated or not, you have to say if you make a donation, the federated number, the federation if it is not the FEEC … all that ask you.
  19. In the end you will find a point where you must indicate if you want to receive information from the Llançanenca Excursionist Union.
  20. Then below you must indicate that you accept the rules of the test, if you do not accept it, you cannot register.
  21. Once all this is done, in the end you will see the price you will pay.
  22. If the price is € 1, there is an error. Normally, you have not marked if you belong to the UELL or if you are federated, therefore, redial it.
  23. Once everything is correct, then press the sign up button.
  24. A page appears with information about your participation in the test.
  25. At the bottom of the page there is an image that looks like a card. It is actually a button.
  26. If you press it, the “La Caixa” screen appears to make the payment.
    • Now we are on the website of “La Caixa” so as Unió Excursionista Llançanenca we have no control over how it works and therefore, the screens or process may vary slightly.
    • If the page does not appear, you may have limited security for your computer: pop-up windows, online payments, … check with your financial institution.
  1. WRITE DOWN the order number !!!!!
  2. FILL in the VISA card details.
    • Digits of the card.
    • Expiration Date.
    • Security code – 3 DESCRIPTION UNIT Behind the card. It is always necessary, but we have found some rare case that is not necessary.
  1. Here problems may appear on the identification server that has “La Caixa”. The most normal problems are:
    • The server is collapsed and the identification fails.
    • You have indicated a card that is not valid. Only the VISA is valid (NOT VALID: 6000 card, Open Box, Mastercard …)
    • You have misspelled the card name or expiration date.
    • Note that when the card is indicated, the last field allows more than 4 digits, be aware that there may be 1 blank space that you do not see
    • Note that the CVW check digit field also has no limit, therefore, care is the same.
    • Be careful there are many people who do not indicate the CVW code.
    • It is normal that if it takes a long time to enter numbers, then the transaction is short for timed.
    • ◦ La Caixa usually sends an SMS to the mobile associated with the card with a confirmation code, in many cases there is an error because it takes too long to indicate the confirmation code on the screen that appears.
  1. As said a moment ago, in giving ok to the payment by visa, an SMS is sent to the phone you have associated with the card. This SMS indicates a PIN that must be placed to confirm the payment.
  2. If there is a problem, the page indicates it, and you should contact us or repeat the operation. To indicate what happens, an email should be sent to
    • DO NOT MAKE comments on THE BLOCK: Remember that these comments would be seen by everyone and would see your email. It is your responsibility if you make 1 comment with sensitive data, the UELL complies with data protection.
    • Important to indicate:
    • Where in the process it is.
    • Order number.
    • Reason for the error, which usually appears as text in “The operation could not be performed due to:”
  1. If there is no error, you will be presented with a screen that says “Proof of Payment”.
  2. You can print it.
  3. Then press “Continue”, with this you will reach the screen indicating “Payment made”
  4. You can now go to see the list of enrolled in the test to see if it is in it.
  5. If you wish to register another person cannot use the same user. Each NIF has a user associated to differentiate the data of each one.


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